杭州三元电缆有限公司 电缆产品 碳足迹报告
Private Datacom Media Converter Global Market
This is the The Company forecast of global market consumption of private datacom networks media converters. The media converters (MCs) quantified in this study report are typically consumed within a present LAN/MAN (local area network and metropolitan area network), as well as other non-public data communication links. They are often used to connect newer 100-Mbps, Gigabit Ethernet, or ATM equipment to existing networks, which can be 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, clearly mixture of various. They can also be used in pairs to insert an optical fiber segment into copper networks to increase cabling distances and enhance immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Advances in network cable media have taken Private Enterprise Networks from coaxial cable and LAN-based services to fiber optic media and Internet-based services. Current enterprise networks command more Internet-related services and demand more bandwidth as they grow in complexity. LANs are typically simply by organizations that have computers based in one location and connected to a single computer server. They typically used as the basis for private networks such as Intranets.
Local Area Networks concerns, such as data-speed (Mbps/Gbps), distance (feet/meters) and security issues drive the requirements of the upgrading the present network. A media converter is made use of in communications networks to change (convert) signal transmission in one media, for instance copper to a new media such as optical sustain.
For the purposes using this study, Corporation classifies the media converter as a computer device that connects different communication transmission media, for example, from copper to/from optical fiber (or vice versa), multimode optical fiber to single mode optical fiber (or vice versa) and single mode-to-single mode optical fiber.
When expanding the reach of the LAN to span multiple locations, media converters are useful in connecting multiple LANs to form one large 'campus area network' that spans during a limited geographic area. As premises networks are primarily copper-based, media converters can extend the reach among the LAN over multimode fiber with 850nm optics, or longer reach singlemode fiber with 1310nm or a lot longer reach 1550nm optics.
The worldwide market is segmented into major product categories, as shown in Figure just one specific. NOTE: The slash marks (/ /) indicates the database category covers media to // from (vice versa) either media manner. NOTE: The 10/100/1000 category covers distinct the top ten.100/1000 converters but it also covers media converters handle 1000 Mbps (1-Gbps) really.
Media converter types coming from small (micro) standalone devices, Network Interface Cards (NICs) / Peripheral Component Interconnects / Chassis Slot Cards, and high port-density (typically 6-12-or more ports per unit) rack-mount products. (Note: Empty shell chassis/racks aren't counted in this particular consumption value market forecast).
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